Developing non-viral delivery & cell engineering technologies for ex vivo T cell immunotherapies

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights 2023; 9(5), 731–737


Published: 30 June 2023
Julie Shi, Nirveek Bhattacharjee

Lipid nanoparticles and electroporation are just two of the non-viral gene delivery technologies with potential to revolutionize the CAR-T cell immunotherapy field by removing issues of cost and complexity that come with virally transduced cell therapy manufacturing processes. David McCall, Senior Editor of BioInsights, asks Bristol Myers Squibb’s Julie Shi (Scientific Associate Director, Immuno-Oncology and Cell Therapy Thematic Research Center) and Nirveek Bhattacharjee (Senior Principal Scientist) about the relative pros and cons and development status of the various non-viral cell engineering tools and technologies available today.