Analyzing and comparing strategic models across the full spectrum of distributed cell and gene therapy manufacturing, including point-of-care manufacture, close-to-point-of-care manufacture, and manufacture utilizing CDMOs
What specific indications or technologies/therapeutic modalities are a ‘best fit’ for a distributedmodel?
Can a ‘hub and spokes’ model for cell and gene therapies be applied globally?
What enabling tools and technologies would facilitate a distributed manufacturing model?
What cell sourcing, fill-finish, QC, and analytics technologies will be optimal for a successful distributed manufacturing model, considering equipment footprint and viability?
What would QC testing for point-of-care manufacturing actually look like?
What would a robust supply chain for decentralized manufacturing look like?
How can closed and automated platform systems enable high-grade manufacture in hospital settings?
How can GMP compliance be maintained across point-of-care facilities?
Meeting regulatory requirements: how can regulatory bodies and product developers and manufacturers alike ensure comparability, consistency, and compliance across distributed manufacturing sites?
Addressing further key obstacles to enabling distributed manufacturing in hospitals and medical centers
How to ensure the availability of a suitably trained workforce at individual sites, and successful knowledge transfer between sites?