Alternative solutions to separate AAV full and empty capsids using anion exchange

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights 2024; 10(5), 673–686

DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2024.081

Published: 24 June
Innovator Insight
Åsa Hagner-McWhirter, Mark Schofield

AAV is the primary vector for gene therapy, and in order to enable more mainstream applications with larger patient populations, it will prove crucial to have scalable, cost-effective, and resilient chromatography-based purification methods. Central to a successful process is the attainment of high overall yields of full capsids alongside an effective reduction of empty capsids and efficient removal of impurities. This article introduces high-performance anion exchange chromatography separation techniques in step-elution mode for various AAV serotypes, detailing optimized protocols and conditions for both membrane and resin formats.