Accelerating process analytics: leveraging dPCR to quantitate AAV viral titers

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights 2024; 10(6), 913

DOI: 18609/cgti.2024.101

Published: 30 July 2024
Viki Mahendran

Watch the video or view the poster to learn more about:

  • the utility of dPCR to quantitate viral titers within a biotherapeutic manufacturing workflow;
  • the conditions in which it is (and isn’t) advisable to perform sample extraction in dPCR analysis of AAV;
  • the specific pros (e.g. reduced processing time and sample losses) and cons of extraction-free sample preparation.

Viki Mahendran, PhD, is a Lead Scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific in Singapore. Specializing in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Biology, Viki has developed qPCR and digital PCR assays, focusing on solutions for the cell and gene therapy market by incorporating customer feedback to meet market needs. As a technical lead at Thermo Fisher Scientific, she plays a critical role in developing products and validation requirements to ensure successful commercialization. Viki’s dedication is evident in her ongoing pursuit of industry solutions, reflecting her commitment to advancements in Pharma Analytics.