Demystifying AAV affinity capture: mapping AAV-affinity ligand footprints with cryo-electron microscopy

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights 2024; 10(8), 1201

DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2024.137

Published: 26 September
Nathaniel Clark

Watch the video or read the poster to:

  • learn to predict if a given capsid can be purified with AVIPure AAV resins; and
  • understand how to select capsids that can be purified with AVIPure AAV at the point of licensing to avoid future problems in downstream capture and development.

Dr Nathaniel Clark is a Downstream Scientist at Avitide, a Repligen company. He has a PhD in Biochemistry and Structural Biology from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA and moved into field of RNA as postdoc at the University of Texas. At Avitide, he uses structural biology, protein engineering, and modeling to design novel affinity resins.