Professionalizing mesenchymal stem cells for therapeutic benefit
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Professionalizing mesenchymal stem cells for therapeutic benefit

Thursday 08:00 PST / 11:00 EST / 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET
Professionalizing mesenchymal stem cells for therapeutic benefit

While mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) clinical trials were first initiated several decades ago, the promise of globally approved MSC products for a myriad of indications has not been delivered. We now have the ability to generate MSCs from other sources, such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and to perform gene modifications that enhance specific functions or to allow escape from immune recognition that will lead to the development of professionalized MSCs.

This webinar will discuss the need for cell therapies to continue optimization from sourcing to therapeutic effect and the strategies to improve their development and production.

Discover more about:

  • Enhancing the therapeutic effects to overcome early limitations of MSC therapies in several indications 
  • Strategies to develop the next generation of targeted and robust MSC treatments 
  • The need for continued optimization of the sourcing and manufacturing of allogeneic MSC therapeutics

Anthony Ting PhD
Anthony Ting PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, Bone Therapeutics

Dr. Ting brings to Bone Therapeutics over 30 years of academic and industry experience in translational science and global regulatory filing, and 20 years specifically in stromal cell-based therapeutics. He is currently the Chief Commercialization Officer on the board of directors for the International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy (ISCT) and is serving on Science and Technology committee for the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM). Most recently, Dr. Ting served in the senior management team of Athersys, a Nasdaq-listed clinical-stage cell therapy company. As Vice President of Regenerative Medicine and Head of Cardiopulmonary Programs, he was responsible for all stages of development, from the bench to the bedside for the cardiovascular and pulmonary programs with Athersys’ most advanced cell therapy product MultiStem®, an allogeneic adult bone marrow-derived stem cell product. Prior to joining Athersys, Dr. Ting was a Principal Investigator and Head of the Novel Inhibitors Screening Group at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) at the National University of Singapore, which identified new therapeutic targets through high-throughput screening. Dr. Ting received his PhD in Cell Biology from Johns Hopkins University and his B.A. in Biology from Amherst College.


Anthony Ting PhD
Anthony Ting PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, Bone Therapeutics